Discover why we celebrate the month of flowers and its importance for a quality Malbec

Spring is advancing and temperatures are rising.
After budding and leafing, when the leaves appear through which the plant breathes, transpires and photosynthesizes, the cycle continues with flowering, when the clusters of tiny white flowers appear in the vineyard with their discreet beauty.

This is a crucial time for future wines, as good health will result in good quality fruit. good health will result in good quality fruit..
A partir de los pequeños racimos, aquellas flores que sean polinizadas, transcurridos algunos días se convertirán en granos de uva.
Las vides cultivadas, a diferencia de las silvestres, tienen flores hermafroditas, capaces de reproducirse a sí mismas.
When the flower is pollinated, a process called “cuajado” or “cuaje” begins, and it is then when it turns into grapes, about three weeks later.about three weeks later.In order to favor pollination, it is important to have certain conditions such as temperatures above 15 degrees, little or no rainfall and good sunshine, aspects that the imposing Uco Valley usually gives us. The Malbec variety used to produce Argentina’s flagship wine is particularly sensitive to this process..

Those flowers that are not pollinated fall from the cluster.
This phenomenon is called
landslide. Those that have achieved pollination will be transformed into fruit that will grow on the vine until the right moment of maturation.Our winemakers will carefully and patiently define it as the right one to produce balanced and harmonious wines.

Spring will continue to advance and plants will reserve their energy for growth. Grains will be green until JanuaryThe red varieties turn purple during veraison and the heat pushes the ripening of the clusters to concentrate aromas and flavors.

In October, days of care, work and enjoyment are given, guarding the germ of the best fruits, those that in the future will allow us to toast.