How to store wine?

In order to enjoy each glass to the fullest, it is important to know that wine is organic matter and as such has an evolution curve. Each label has a properly indicated aging potential by which we should be guided. But also the conditions in which each wine is stored while awaiting the ideal moment for uncorking are of utmost importance.. Una vez embotellado, el vino continúa su evolución dentro del envase, por lo que we must ensure the most stable conditions possible so that it does not lose its qualities.. Aquí compartimos algunos tips para la guarda.
Some factors play a major role and among them are temperatures temperatures. En el verano hay que protegerlos sin dudas del calor y de las variaciones térmicas bruscas que atentan contra su correcta preservación. Ambientes como la cocina, donde con frecuencia se opta por guardar las botellas, suelen ser los menos indicados debido a las altas temperaturas como consecuencia de la cocción. En cambio, hay que buscar espacios ligeramente frescos (idealmente entre los 14 y los 16 grados centígrados) para que el vino conserve sus atributos de manera adecuada, a salvo del calor veraniego.
Light can also affect its quality. Lo preferible es mantenerlo en lugares oscuros o con luz muy tenue para evitar su alteración. Otros factores que juegan un rol son ventilationWe will prefer areas with some air circulation, and where there is no vibration. there are no vibrations (for example those emanating from an engine) to avoid a defective evolution.
Humidity is another aspect that can be detrimental when excessiveHumidity is another aspect that can be detrimental when it is excessive: both for the possibility of fungus formation in the bottles and for the preservation of corks and labels in a healthy way until the moment of consumption.
Finally, the position in which the wines will be kept in the best way is the horizontal stowage.This will keep the liquid in contact with the stopper. Otherwise, the stopper may dry out and lose volume, which would allow air to enter the bottle, thus accelerating the oxidation of the wine that is to be avoided. In the case of for sparkling wines, on the other hand, the ideal is the vertical position to prevent the beverage from coming into contact with the cork, which could damage it.
As a delicate product, cultivated with balance and precision since its origins, wine needs care to express itself in all its splendor at the precise moment to be enjoyed. Small contemplations for a moment of assured pleasure.