What is vine thinning?

The work in the vineyards is constant.
To procure the best fruits to achieve excellent wines requires time, determination and a permanent activity hand in hand with Nature to achieve the best results.

Thus, the time comes for thinning of the vineyard or spring pruning, a process process by which the best-placed shoots the best-placed and most vigorous shoots on the plant are selected, prioritizing those selected during the winter pruning and removing the rest.This is a process by which the best-placed and most vigorous shoots are selected, prioritizing those selected during winter pruning and removing the rest. This work can be done in two passes, before flowering and after fruit set. is carried out during the vegetative development of the plant as a complement to winter pruning.
The precise moment to do it will be dictated by the date when the latter was finished and the temperature.

Its importance consists in the fact that it is vital for the health and full growth of the vines, avoiding diseases and pests.avoiding diseases and pests. What are the benefits of vine thinning?As always, the objective is to obtain the highest quality fruit for our wines..
Al retirarse algunos brotes, se logra que
nutrients and sap are concentrated in those that will thrive, thus obtaining excellent grains..

In addition, it helps the plant’s conduction system and its healthiness.
Last but not least,
pruning work the following winter will be facilitated, as will the grape harvest.which will begin at the end of the summer.
Because work is continuous and the hand of man is always present in harmony with Nature, in search of that which will allow us to create and enjoy the harvest.