Meltwater, a Treasure We Care For: Sustainability

To irrigate our vineyards we count on the purity of the melt water that comes from the Andes Mountains.. Aunque este año las intensas nevadas prometen una mejor provisión que la habitual, se trata de un recurso precioso usualmente muy escaso y regulado en su utilización en la provincia de Mendoza. Sabemos valorarlo, por lo que their care has become one of our main sustainability objectives and in the work of raising awareness within our work team. and in the work of raising awareness within our work team.
This appreciation translates into specific guidelines that allow us to measure and reduce their consumption in order to and reduce their consumption in order to achieve an environmentally friendly viticulture.
We know we are part of a privileged place, of an environment that rewards us with unique landscapes, superior resources and an exultant nature. Our daily challenge is to achieve products of the highest quality and, at the same time, take care of the environment and the resources that allow us to produce them..
Along the way, we have we have had achievements and, based on scientific criteria, we have made progress in the reduction of water consumption.. Nuestros ingenieros agrónomos trabajan bajo la premisa del cuidado de este recurso en el riego de cada una de las cinco producing farms and in the implementation of the different techniques that allow the optimization of their use.
We have also achieved a more efficient use of water during the winemaking process, meeting the proposed objectives. In order to rigorously monitor the procedures implemented, our facilities measure the so-called water footprint, i.e., water consumption per liter of wine produced, which we are steadily reducing..
We know that good things must be cared for. To aspire to products of the highest quality requires attention and care, particularly with regard to what gives them their origin. We respect our environment and its resources, and we understand that they are part of our treasures.