Rutini Wines Celebrates Julio Le Parc in Las Garzas

This summer, Rutini Wines accompanied Julio Le Parc in the presentation of the Julio Le Parc Anthology at Las Garzas (Rocha). With Eduardo Costantini as host and chef Camote Langer in charge of the gastronomy, a reception was held at sunset with the presence of specialized journalists and wine collectors.

The owner of MALBA is an ever-present figure in the eastern season. Las Garzas is one of his most exclusive developments: it is a private neighborhood located about twenty minutes from José Ignacio, between the Garzón and Rocha lagoons.
The evening menu
- Reception:
-Zucchini with goat ricotta, mint and almond.
-Valizas shrimp with smoked paprika
-Focaccia, eggplant and roasted tomatoes.
- Entrée: Cold watermelon and tomato soup.
- Main course: Braised beef with bones and chocolate + sweet potato and hazelnut puree.
- Dessert: Chocolate mousse.

At the age of ninety, Le Parc is still more relevant than ever. From December 4 to February 24, his first solo exhibition at The Met (The Metropolitan Museum of Art) will be on view at this iconic center of modern art, sponsored by The Daniel and Estrellita Brodsky Foundation. Allí se presentan más de 50 obras bajo el título Julio Le Parc 1959. Veinticuatro de esas obras son parte de una generosa donación que el artista le hizo al museo anfitrión. La curadora de la muestra es Iria Candela. Durante 2019 el célebre artista también será homenajeado en el CCK, en cuyo hall de entrada se luce su afamada Blue Sphereand at the National Museum of Fine Arts.